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Gorilla Doctors

The dart lands just below her left shoulder. Gashangi, a 33-year-old mountain gorilla, reacts as though stung by a bee. She swipes a large hand toward her perceived antagonist but is unable to reach the feathered projectile. A few moments later, she gets up and begins to move off through the lush montane vegetation towards …

Painted Wolves

Everything is still and quiet as the sun pounds the floodplain of the Zambezi Valley. It is late afternoon, but the intensity of the heat has not abated. In front of me are a group of animals lying in a heap. Occasionally a big round ear will twitch, or a head might lazily rise, only …

Etosha through my eyes

Etosha is the perfect year-round safari destination, with each season having its particular charm and beauty

Kenya’s Lion Guardians

Dawn is just breaking when Kamunu Saitoti sets out across the Amboseli bush in search of lions. At first glance, he appears much like any other Maasai warrior: Lean and tall, his dark red shuka is wrapped around his torso and waist concealing his only weapon, a long knife with a simple wooden handle. Brightly …

Climbing Kili

Tanzania’s Mount Kilimanjaro, at 5,895m high, is Africa’s tallest mountain, the world’s highest free-standing peak, and one of the famed ‘Seven Summits’. Climbing Kilimanjaro is classified as an extreme altitude mountain trek, but with proper preparation, climbing ‘Kili’ can be an achievable goal and a life-changing experience. Rising from the plains of Tanzania, Kilimanjaro gives …

Botswana’s Boteti

Shortly after arriving at camp, I was relishing a moment of pure bliss, washing off the heat and the dust under the best outdoor shower ever. From cold, foggy Cape Town to sunny Botswana. Filled with a sense of freedom and oneness with nature, I thought, “Can life get any better than this?” I think …

The Cape Leopard

The Cape leopard is the stuff of legends. This seldom seen, highly elusive apex predator survives in some of the most inhospitable habitat possible – the rugged, low nutritional fynbos biome of the Cape Fold Mountain ranges. Despite the habitat limitations, this region did historically host many wildlife species such as black rhino, Cape mountain …

Aldabra Atoll

In 1874 Charles Darwin, along with six other eminent contemporaries, wrote to the Governor of Mauritius and its dependencies: “We the undersigned respectfully beg to call the attention of the Colonial Government of Mauritius to the imminent extermination of the gigantic Land Tortoises of the Mascarenes, commonly called ‘Indian Tortoises’… No means being taken for …

Botswana: My Dream Safari

Safari report back: My epic mobile tented adventure through the wildlife paradise of Botswana – Okavango, Khwai and Savute. By Ruzdi Ekenheim

Giraffes – The Silent Extinction

It’s hard to comprehend that giraffe numbers have plummeted by almost 40% in just three decades. This rapid slide now places them amongst the most threatened species on the planet, with only approximately 98,445 (subsequently increased to 115,322) individuals remaining across this massive African continent! A population collapse of this nature could conceivably be driven …

Lavish Livingstone

Livingstone is the Zambian gateway to Victoria Falls – the ‘smoke that thunders’ – a superb luxury safari haven

The Ultimate Primate Experience

Safari report-back: Trekking for gorillas in Rwanda’s Volcanoes NP is the is the ultimate primate experience. By Björn Persson

Manyeleti: The Place of Stars

Manyeleti is Greater Kruger’s secret safari haven – undiscovered by most ardent travellers and yet brimming with Big 5 wildlife encounters

Macro photography: Capturing a new world

Environmental photographer and filmmaker, Sam Cox, explains his passion for teaching the art of macro photography to international volunteers through African Impact’s Wildlife Photography & Conservation programme. The programme offers volunteers the opportunity to gain practical experience in wildlife photography while helping to raise awareness of environmental and conservation issues in South Africa’s Greater Kruger area. Here, he shares …

Magical Maasai Mara

The fascination of Kenya’s Maasai Mara National Reserve and its abundance of wildlife brings fond memories to many seasoned African safari travellers; I am no exception. In January this year, I was invited by some good friends from the USA to join them on a trip to this remarkable reserve. We departed from Wilson Airport in Nairobi, and …

Klaserie through the Lens

Safari trip report-back: at Klaserie in the Greater Kruger National Park is an epic destination for photographers. By Willem Kruger

16 days in Uganda

Uganda beckoned – and after 16 years of planning Gerhard Pretorius finally landed in the steamy city of Entebbe for the safari of his life

Rediscovering Kruger

Living on the African continent, we have a vast array of protected areas to visit. Those of us with a travel-addiction and passion for wildlife endeavour to visit them all – the Okavango, Maasai Mara and Serengeti to mention just a few. However, we sometimes overlook what we have right on our doorstep, such as …

Riding in lion country

Equestrian types tend to come with a few traits that, while charming to fellow horsey folk, are unbearably irritating to those not of a horsey nature. One such quirk is the devout belief that having ridden one way, you probably know – better than most – how to ride another. We also have an unwavering …

Africa Through My Eyes

Dr Vikram Ghanekar’s journey into the world of wildlife photography began almost a decade ago. His first venture into Africa took place in 2008, and he immediately learned a fundamental reality: you may have the best equipment, but you need to know how to use it properly. Needless to say, after a few workshops and …

Quirimbas: A Diver’s Paradise

Quilalea Island in Mozambique is part of the marine-rich paradise of Quirimbas Archipelago. Adventurer Fiona Ayerst shares her experience

Capturing South Luangwa

Safari report-back: South Luangwa in Zambia offers a wildlife-rich safari and fantastic photographic opportunities. By Edward Selfe

Kwaai Khwai

Safari report-back: My epic adventure in Botswana’s Khwai – a wildlife-rich area near Okavango Delta, Botswana. By Simon Espley

Water for Elephants

There is a crisis of elephantine proportions playing out in the dry sandy Kalahari woodlands of eastern Botswana, and a determined family of caring people is caught in the middle of the drama. A friend and I spent a few days with them in September this year and came away determined to help. I hope that …

Magnificent Madikwe

Safari report-back: My wife and I spent two unforgettable days in Madikwe – the variety of wildlife encounters blew our minds. By Anton Kruger

Moremi Magic

My Moremi glamping safari. There’s something immensely satisfying about discovering Africa on a mobile tented camp safari. G&T anyone?

Kruger- lodges vs self drive

Which Kruger safari option is better – luxury of the private lodges in the Greater Kruger or the self-catering options in the national park?

Jurassic Niassa

“Are we seriously landing there?” The Cessna Caravan was heading towards a massive rocky dome, and what appeared to be a short dirt track in a dense sea of woodland. But, as we skimmed over a wide sandy riverbed, the track morphed into a landing strip. We bumped down and taxied to a halt. Paradise …

In the Footsteps of Giants

Award-winning photographer Greg du Toit shares with us his favourite elephant images, and explains why each image impacted on him

Elephant Ignite Expedition

Elephant Ignite embarked on a 16 000km, 100-day journey across 10 African countries to cast the spotlight on the elephant poaching crisis

African safari

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