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Why you should care about thickets

A thicket is a dense, almost impenetrable tangle of trees, shrubs, and vines, that is home to a host of biodiversity. Here is why you should spare a thought for thickets

I Love Namibia

Exploring the wild places of Namibia makes for a different kind of honeymoon, and our road trip turned out to be the journey of a lifetime


Jim Naughten first came across Namibia’s Herero tribe years ago when he saw a Herero lady sashaying across the desert in her beautiful dress

iSimangaliso: park for the people

iSimangaliso is a World Heritage Site – a rich and diverse ecosystem that attracts nature lovers and provides sustainable livelihoods for many

Where did all the penguins go?

Penguins are in trouble. A 1930’s video clip with Cherry Kearton gives an insight into the extent of the endangered African penguin population decline.

Rescuing Beatrice the baby aardvark

‘A’ is for aardvark – a strange nocturnal creature that wanders some of Africa’s drier areas. ‘B’ is for baby aardvark that was rescued

Elephants held hostage in Laikipia

Young bull elephants held hostage in Laikipia after destroying crops. It is estimated that local communities lose over a US$1 million in revenue from raiding elephant in Kenya each year.

Hermanus & the not so False Bay

Hermanus and False Bay – things to do, what, when and how. A complete guide to having fun on Cape Town’s coastline – from a local


A miraculous escape from death, and how to prevent and treat snakebite.

Female elephant mistakenly shot by hunters

A female elephant was accidentally killed instead of an allegedly ‘damage causing’ bull elephant when a hunting permit was suspiciously issued at Mabalingwe Nature Reserve.

Deeper into Durban

To the traveller and foodie Durban is an eclectic fusion of old and new, trendy and not-so-much. We reveal some of her secrets

The risk of captive carnivores

The EWT calls for the public to question the role of captive carnivore facilities and the management of the animals in their care.

A Rock Art Jewel

One man’s mission to document a complex rock art panel on the roof of a shelter in a remote area of South Africa’s Drakensberg Mountains

African safari

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Handcrafted experiential safaris since 1991.

Travel in Africa is about knowing when and where to go, and with whom. A few weeks too early/late or a few kilometres off course, and you could miss the greatest show on Earth. And wouldn’t that be a pity?

African travel

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We donate a portion of the revenue from every safari sold to carefully selected conservation projects that make a significant difference at ground level.

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