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Understanding rinderpest

Rinderpest is a deadly virus that devastated livestock & African wildlife species in the late 19th century – the impacts are still felt today


The vast Serengeti in northern Tanzania is home to an extraordinary amount of wildlife and plays host to the greatest show on Earth – the Great Migration

The rat with a deadly secret

Deadly secret: the crested rat transfers poison from the bark & leaves of a highly toxic tree to its fur as a predator-evasion strategy

Rescued green mamba eggs hatching

A fantastic gallery of images showing the hatching eggs of a green mamba. The rescued mother and babies were released back to the wild

The 10 cat species of Africa

Africa has 10 cat species, from the iconic big cats like lions and leopards to tiny species that few people have seen or even heard of

The importance of bats

Bats are vital role-players for biodiversity & farm crops. It’s time for humankind to acknowledge & protect these hard-working mammals

What’s in a (scientific) name?

The weird meanings behind animal scientific names – for example, the black rhino scientific name means ‘double horn double horn’

Photographer of the Year 2020 Weekly Selection: Week 18 – Gallery 1

Our Photographer of the Year 2020, with a stunning safari prize provided by Djuma Private Game Reserve, is now in full swing. The overall winner, first runner-up, and second runner-up (along with their partners), will experience the ultimate private safari at Djuma Private Game Reserve, located in the Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve in the Big 5 …

Photographer of the Year 2020 Weekly Selection: Week 18 – Gallery 3

Our Photographer of the Year 2020, with a stunning safari prize provided by Djuma Private Game Reserve, is now in full swing. The overall winner, first runner-up, and second runner-up (along with their partners), will experience the ultimate private safari at Djuma Private Game Reserve, located in the Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve in the Big 5 …

Photographer of the Year 2020 Weekly Selection: Week 18 – Gallery 2

Our Photographer of the Year 2020, with a stunning safari prize provided by Djuma Private Game Reserve, is now in full swing. The overall winner, first runner-up, and second runner-up (along with their partners), will experience the ultimate private safari at Djuma Private Game Reserve, located in the Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve in the Big 5 …

African safari

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African travel

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