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A baby black zebra

A baby black zebra is been seen in the northwestern area of the Okavango Delta – a very rare sighting, that has tourists keen to have a look

Looking after orphan elephants

Andrew White takes us through a day in the life of the elephant orphans and their keepers at the Elephant Nursery Facility at Lilayi Game Reserve in Lusaka.

Water lilies of the Delta

During a walking safari in the Delta we stop to appreciate the magnificent water lilies that litter the Okavango’s waterways.

To bee or not to bee

Farmers along the perimeter of Serengeti National Park have tried various elephant-deterring techniques, from beating tin cans to lighting fires, most of which haven’t appeared to work. But now there are beehive fences which appear to be doing the job!

Biggest tusker elephant in Southern Africa dies

It is with deep sadness and regret that Tembe Elephant Park has announced the death of Isilo the elephant. Isilo was the king of the elephants and wildlife in the Tembe Transfrontier Park on the South Africa/Mozambique Border and was known as the biggest “tusker” in Southern Africa.

Rhino horn – To trade or not to trade: Does it really matter?

The rhino horn trade is being punted as an option with ‘if it pays it stays’ philosophy. The counter argument being that we don’t understand the market, making it difficult to play with. Each a compelling argument in its own right, however are we are dividing our forces, our efforts and the rhino population while we debate the issue?

Diving with dinosaurs

We go diving with cow sharks; a shark with very few modern adaptations that makes them one of the closest links we have to dinosaurs.

Fight for the fynbos fish

Learn about the redfin minnow, the most widespread group of freshwater fishes in the Cape Floristic Region, and find out why these fish face a serious risk of extinction.

Rhinos: It’s time for Plan B

We do not get a second chance if we get the economics of rhino trading wrong; all the rhino in the wild will be gone. It is time for a Plan B.

Parrots and people

The lives of parrots and people have been intimately entwined for centuries, if not millennia. Given the familiarity of many of us with some of Africa’s parrots it may come as a surprise that we still know so little about their lives in the wild.

Two lion cubs born in Liuwa

Two lion cubs have been sighted in Liuwa Plain National Park in Zambia, significantly marking the first birth of lion cubs in the park for well over 10 years.

21 elephant calves a testimony to anti-poaching efforts

Twenty-one new elephant calves have been sighted at Zakouma National Park in the Republic of Chad, marking a turnaround in the fortune of the park’s beleaguered elephant herds which had been decimated by poaching in recent years.

Wild dogs collared in the name of research

An alpha female has been re-collared and two young wild dogs collared for the first time in the 13 member-strong pack at Liuwa Plain National Park in Zambia, in anticipation of a natural split in the group. Read the full story here.

Top 10 Ugandan birds

Uganda, is known as Africa’s premier birding destination and with the list of birds found here topping 1 000, it is difficult to narrow down what we would consider the top 10, but here goes….

What’s a camel worth?

Interview with the Maasai and Samburu tribes to determine their views on owning cows vs. camels accordingly to practicality and tradition.

The sand men of Mali

Photo gallery: The “sand men” of Mali collect coarse river sand that goes into the concrete to build Bamako, the fast-growing capital of Mali

It’s a bird-eat-bird world

Bird-on-bird action as a pearl-spotted owlet catches a lovebird and proceeds to butcher and devour it in a Windhoek, Namibia garden

The mighty springbok migration

Gert van der Merwe’s personal account of the great springbok migration is told in Lawrence G. Green’s book Karoo. Towards the end of the 19th century, Gert’s family moved their sheep and cattle between decent grazing lands, helped by their shepherds and a San wagon leader who must have previously experienced the migration. “The trek …

Art on Safari

We invited artists and would-be artists of all skill levels into the bushveld on an art safari, armed with a drawing pad, brushes & pencils

Hyena Men

This series of disturbing and yet fascinating images from photographers Pieter Hugo and Adetokunbo Abiola in their book The Hyena & Other Men

The naked baboon

This rather demonic-looking naked baboon was spotted in Zimbabwe. The lack of fur could be due to 1 of several causes, according to a vet

African safari

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