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Gorilla Doctors

The dart lands just below her left shoulder. Gashangi, a 33-year-old mountain gorilla, reacts as though stung by a bee. She swipes a large hand toward her perceived antagonist but is unable to reach the feathered projectile. A few moments later, she gets up and begins to move off through the lush montane vegetation towards …

To end wildlife trafficking, engage with local communities – study

The international donor community and governments have invested heavily in fighting illegal wildlife trade, but so far, they haven’t succeeded in ending rhino poaching. New research from UCT shows that for these initiatives to succeed, local communities – many of which live in or near protected areas – need to be involved.

Painted Wolves

Everything is still and quiet as the sun pounds the floodplain of the Zambezi Valley. It is late afternoon, but the intensity of the heat has not abated. In front of me are a group of animals lying in a heap. Occasionally a big round ear will twitch, or a head might lazily rise, only …

Celebrating African Elephants

This fantastic photo gallery of African elephants will have you contacting Africa Geographic to arrange your next safari, and packing your bags

Discovering the forest birds of Maasai Mara

The banks of the Mara River in the Maasai Mara of Kenya offer ideal habitat for birds – and for bird-watchers, especially if you find a puddle of water, and especially during the heat of the day.


This fantastic photo gallery of Madagascar wildlife will have you contacting Africa Geographic to arrange your next safari, and packing your bags

SA rhino film wins top awards at US film festivals

The South African feature documentary STROOP – Journey into the Rhino Horn War has won the coveted Best Documentary award at the prestigious San Diego International Film Festival held this past weekend.

Newborn giraffe: Defying the odds

It was an honour to watch this giraffe mother expertly care for her newborn in his first moments, magical to watch as he finally stood and heartwarming to witness his first steps.

Celebrating Reptiles

This fantastic photo gallery of African snakes and other reptiles mud will have you contacting Africa Geographic to arrange your next safari

Kruger’s roaming lions

“Never a dull moment in the bush” is something my husband and I tell each other all the time. Well, that is certainly true for the events of a few weekends ago when a male lion got out of our stunning Kruger National Park!

Kruger 10-year management plan

SANParks has released its Kruger National Park management plan covering the next 10 years. This 259-page report is essential reading for Kruger fans who enjoy debating the issues that the Kruger management team has to deal with on a regular basis, such as problem-animal management, hotels in Kruger and trophy hunting of free-roaming wildlife on reserves adjoining Kruger.

Cannibal cobras

While Cape cobras are known to eat other snake species – up to a third of their diet – recorded instances of Cape cobras eating individuals of the same species has been extremely rare… until now, when researchers investigated and discovered how common and widespread cannibalism in cobras really is.

Etosha through my eyes

Etosha is the perfect year-round safari destination, with each season having its particular charm and beauty

Djibouti: Adventure in the Horn of Africa

Djibouti: a land of stark beauty with blinding salt flats, mysterious moonscapes, petrified forests and remote mountains hidden away, far off the beaten track, just waiting to be discovered.

Celebrating Etosha

This fantastic photo gallery of Etosha National Park in Namibia will have you contacting Africa Geographic to arrange your next safari and packing your bags

Kenya’s Lion Guardians

Dawn is just breaking when Kamunu Saitoti sets out across the Amboseli bush in search of lions. At first glance, he appears much like any other Maasai warrior: Lean and tall, his dark red shuka is wrapped around his torso and waist concealing his only weapon, a long knife with a simple wooden handle. Brightly …

Tracking with the Ju/’Hoansi Master Trackers in Kruger

The last three Master Trackers of the Ju/’hoanis from Nyae Nyae in Namibia were invited to the Kruger in South Africa to participate in some pioneering trails. They came to display their extraordinary tracking prowess to guests participating in walking trails. This is an account of their journey.

Exploring Africa’s Oceans

This fantastic photo gallery of ocean wildlife off Africa’s coast will have you contacting Africa Geographic to arrange your next safari

Video: 500 animals journey from Kruger to Zinave

The past two months saw the translocation of zebra, blue wildebeest and impala from Kruger National Park in South Africa to Zinave National Park in Mozambique. The overall goal is to reintroduce 7,500 game animals in Zinave over the next five years and to date over 1,300 animals have been rewilded to the park.

Celebrating Africa’s Landscapes

This photo gallery of breathtaking African landscapes will have you contacting Africa Geographic to arrange your next safari and packing your bags

Climbing Kili

Tanzania’s Mount Kilimanjaro, at 5,895m high, is Africa’s tallest mountain, the world’s highest free-standing peak, and one of the famed ‘Seven Summits’. Climbing Kilimanjaro is classified as an extreme altitude mountain trek, but with proper preparation, climbing ‘Kili’ can be an achievable goal and a life-changing experience. Rising from the plains of Tanzania, Kilimanjaro gives …

African safari

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