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Celebrating Africa’s Elephants

This fantastic photo gallery of African elephants will have you booking your next safari with Africa Geographic and packing those bags

Celebrating Africa’s Big Cats

This fantastic photo gallery celebrating Africa’s Big Cats will have you contacting us to arrange your next safari and packing your bags

Macro photography: Capturing a new world

Environmental photographer and filmmaker, Sam Cox, explains his passion for teaching the art of macro photography to international volunteers through African Impact’s Wildlife Photography & Conservation programme. The programme offers volunteers the opportunity to gain practical experience in wildlife photography while helping to raise awareness of environmental and conservation issues in South Africa’s Greater Kruger area. Here, he shares …

Klaserie through the Lens

Safari trip report-back: at Klaserie in the Greater Kruger National Park is an epic destination for photographers. By Willem Kruger

Africa Through My Eyes

Dr Vikram Ghanekar’s journey into the world of wildlife photography began almost a decade ago. His first venture into Africa took place in 2008, and he immediately learned a fundamental reality: you may have the best equipment, but you need to know how to use it properly. Needless to say, after a few workshops and …

Delta Delight

This fantastic gallery of images by Hannes Lochner will have you booking your Okavango Delta (Botswana) safari with us and packing your bags

Moments Captured

Moments captured behind the lens – fantastic photography that will have you grabbing your camera and booking your African safari

Magic of Mana

This fantastic Mana Pools photo gallery will have you grabbing your camera, packing your bag and booking your African safari with us

Monochrome Magic

This fantastic black & white photography gallery of African wildlife will have you grabbing your camera and booking a safari with us

Niassa: splendour in peril

Niassa in north Mozambique is one of Africa’s last true wilderness areas. This superb photo gallery is a testament to this vast treasure

Namibia’s desert-adapted lions

Namibia’s desert-adapted lions are hardy survivors that eke out a living in the inhospitable arid west of this beautiful country

In the Footsteps of Giants

Award-winning photographer Greg du Toit shares with us his favourite elephant images, and explains why each image impacted on him

Gallery: Capturing Namibia

This fantastic photo gallery showcases the fascinating tribal cultures, wildlife and breathtaking vistas of Namibia – pack your bags

Gallery: Faces of Africa

This fantastic image gallery of faces of Africa will have you contacting us to plan your next safari, and packing your camera bag and tripod

Gallery: Reflections of Elephants

Reflections on Elephants is a fantastic photographic book celebrating the lives of Africa’s big tuskers that will have you dreaming of your next safari

Gallery: Samburu Tribe

This fantastic gallery of Samburu tribe images will have you contacting us to plan your next safari and packing your bags for Africa


Jim Naughten first came across Namibia’s Herero tribe years ago when he saw a Herero lady sashaying across the desert in her beautiful dress

The Pink Lake

The pink lake – Senegal’s Lake Retba is separated from the Atlantic Ocean by a narrow corridor & is known for its high salt content, up to 40%

Rwanda photo gallery

Photographic encounters in Rwanda – the very heart of Africa. This epic gallery by Karim Sahai will have you packing your safari bags

The Tribe

A photographic tribute to Kenya’s Samburu people which will have you contacting Africa Geographic to arrange your next safari

Meet the Wolfpack

Gallery of fantastic images documenting the journey of an Ethiopian wolf pack from den to fully fledged members of the pack

Himba – Wild Born

The ritual journey of a Himba girl into womanhood. The Himba are an indigenous tribe from the arid region of north-western Namibia.

Things You Find in the Forest

A photographic tour of the dense rainforests of Odzala-Kokoua National Park in the Republic of Congo – from gorillas to parrots & monkeys

The painted ape

The mandrill is the most colourful of all monkeys & occurs in the dense rainforests of Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Republic of Congo & Gabon

African safari

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