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A miraculous escape from death, and how to prevent and treat snakebite.

Female elephant mistakenly shot by hunters

A female elephant was accidentally killed instead of an allegedly ‘damage causing’ bull elephant when a hunting permit was suspiciously issued at Mabalingwe Nature Reserve.

Turtles – ninjas of the Deep

Turtles – the wanderers of Earth’s vast oceans – played a vital part in changing the conservation status of our coastline

The Thing About Hunting

The thing about hunting is that the topic is so polarising that it prevents meaningful discourse between people who probably have more in common than they care to admit. And, while the protagonists battle it out, the grim reapers continue to harvest Africa’s wildlife and other natural resources. We humans tend to silo information to …

9 amazing facts about the AARDVARK

The aardvark is a fascinating & elusive animal that many experienced travellers to Africa desperately want to see. Read more about aardvarks

Why people kill lions

In light of the events in Tanzania on the first of January, Jeremy examines the age old conflict between humans and lions in East Africa.

The bloodhounds of Virunga in DR Congo

In the DRC’s Virunga National Park conservationists have taken a different approach in the fight against poaching – they got themselves some good old-fashioned bloodhounds.


In the dusty rural villages of South Africa, one can expect to see dogs of all shapes and sizes roaming freely, seemingly uncared for and feral. To those who are used to the regulated pedigree world of dogs, these ‘village dogs’ are widely thought of as un-domesticated and most likely carriers of the rabies virus. …

Cry Wolf

The Ethiopian wolf is Africa’s most endangered carnivore. Learn what is being done to protect them in the Ethiopian highlands

Meet the Wolfpack

Gallery of fantastic images documenting the journey of an Ethiopian wolf pack from den to fully fledged members of the pack

African safari

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African travel

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