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Big Cats in the Rain

This fantastic Africa Geographic photo gallery of Africa’s big cats in the rain will have you booking your next safari with AG and packing your bags

Elephants: Listen to the people of the Okavango – opinion

The elephant – an iconic species that is beloved around the world is not such a gentle giant to the people who actually live with Earth’s largest mammal. This is the story of over 16,000 people from 15 settlements in the eastern Okavango Delta panhandle who are trapped between a river and over 18,000 elephants.

Video: Lions return to Malawi’s Liwonde National Park

African Parks has completed a series of lion translocations as part of wider efforts to restore Malawi’s parks; and for the first time in 20 years, a population of the iconic predators has been re-established in Liwonde National Park.

Celebrating Africa’s Wild Babies

This fantastic Africa Geographic photo gallery celebrating Africa’s wild babies will have you booking your next safari with AG and packing your bags

Safari tips: Going on safari with kids

Travelling with kids on a safari in Africa may seem like a daunting task. They can get bored very easily, especially on long road trips, and keeping their attention and interest piqued about wildlife can become a tedious, exhausting and stressful task. However, with proper planning and armed with the knowledge of what your kids enjoy, you can make a safari quite an enjoyable and memorable experience for the whole family.

Epic Kruger

This epic photo gallery from Africa Geographic of special moments in Kruger National Park will have you booking your next safari with AG

Celebrating Africa’s Culture

This Africa Geographic photo gallery celebrating Africa’s culture will have you booking your next safari with AG and packing your bags

Botswana’s Boteti

Shortly after arriving at camp, I was relishing a moment of pure bliss, washing off the heat and the dust under the best outdoor shower ever. From cold, foggy Cape Town to sunny Botswana. Filled with a sense of freedom and oneness with nature, I thought, “Can life get any better than this?” I think …

The Cape Leopard

The Cape leopard is the stuff of legends. This seldom seen, highly elusive apex predator survives in some of the most inhospitable habitat possible – the rugged, low nutritional fynbos biome of the Cape Fold Mountain ranges. Despite the habitat limitations, this region did historically host many wildlife species such as black rhino, Cape mountain …

Celebrating Africa’s Wild Babies

This fantastic photo gallery of wild babies in Africa will have you booking your next safari with Africa Geographic and packing those bags

Aldabra Atoll

In 1874 Charles Darwin, along with six other eminent contemporaries, wrote to the Governor of Mauritius and its dependencies: “We the undersigned respectfully beg to call the attention of the Colonial Government of Mauritius to the imminent extermination of the gigantic Land Tortoises of the Mascarenes, commonly called ‘Indian Tortoises’… No means being taken for …


This fantastic photo gallery of African wildlife will have you booking your next safari with Africa Geographic and packing those bags

Elephants with a purpose

Why did 53 elephants travel more than 1,250 km across three different countries this month? Here’s why.

Botswana: My Dream Safari

Safari report back: My epic mobile tented adventure through the wildlife paradise of Botswana – Okavango, Khwai and Savute. By Ruzdi Ekenheim

Investigating South Africa’s wildlife cryptotrade

A casual search of some of South Africa’s biggest online marketplaces shows just how easily endangered wildlife species are reduced to their parts – and how simple it is to sell them online while retaining anonymity.

Video: Lions make a comeback

With wild lions under pressure from so many threats, this is a wonderful story of lions being reintroduced to an area that used to have lions.

Will Zambia’s Luangwa River be dammed? Have your say

Zambia’s wildlife paradise and legendary safari mecca of Luangwa Valley may in future partially function as one giant tap for some of Zambia’s growing water needs. Gone will be the seasonal, natural water cycles that sustain and nurture this incredibly fecund river valley. You see, a sizeable chunk of Luangwa Valley may be dammed in the near future, at Ndevu Gorge

African safari

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