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Samburu Sensations

We challenged our CEO Simon Espley to tick off a carefully compiled list of avian eye candy during his 3-day Samburu safari

The bloodhounds of Virunga in DR Congo

In the DRC’s Virunga National Park conservationists have taken a different approach in the fight against poaching – they got themselves some good old-fashioned bloodhounds.


In the dusty rural villages of South Africa, one can expect to see dogs of all shapes and sizes roaming freely, seemingly uncared for and feral. To those who are used to the regulated pedigree world of dogs, these ‘village dogs’ are widely thought of as un-domesticated and most likely carriers of the rabies virus. …

Cry Wolf

The Ethiopian wolf is Africa’s most endangered carnivore. Learn what is being done to protect them in the Ethiopian highlands

Meet the Wolfpack

Gallery of fantastic images documenting the journey of an Ethiopian wolf pack from den to fully fledged members of the pack

One Month with the Himba

Documentary photographer Alegra Ally tells us about her month with the Himba people, Namibia’s most enigmatic tribe.

Himba – Wild Born

The ritual journey of a Himba girl into womanhood. The Himba are an indigenous tribe from the arid region of north-western Namibia.

Things You Find in the Forest

A photographic tour of the dense rainforests of Odzala-Kokoua National Park in the Republic of Congo – from gorillas to parrots & monkeys

Three years in the wild

Sometimes, I feel like I’m the luckiest person in the world. For the past three years, I have lived almost exclusively in South Africa’s national parks and nature reserves. On a typical day, while some people sit in city traffic, I could photograph lions in the Kalahari, tracking rhinos with rangers or swimming with turtles. …

Tips for sketching in the field

African wildlife rarely stays still for one to even get a good photograph let alone sketch it. Alison Nicholls has some tips for artists inspired by Africa

The painted ape

The mandrill is the most colourful of all monkeys & occurs in the dense rainforests of Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Republic of Congo & Gabon

Shades of Grey


Get to know the grey parrot

There are 25 species of parrot native to Africa, Madagascar and Mauritius, according to the IUCN – with preferred habitats ranging from closed forests to arid zones. Parrots are not as diverse or abundant in Africa as in Australasia and the Neotropics. The grey parrot is found in the primary and secondary rainforests of West …

Ruaha – wild inspiration


Hunting with the hadza

A journey back in time with one of the world’s oldest tribes on Earth. Greg Lederle spends time hunting with the Hadza people in Tanzania

African safari

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Travel in Africa is about knowing when and where to go, and with whom. A few weeks too early/late or a few kilometres off course, and you could miss the greatest show on Earth. And wouldn’t that be a pity?

African travel

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