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Kruger- lodges vs self drive

Which Kruger safari option is better – luxury of the private lodges in the Greater Kruger or the self-catering options in the national park?

Jurassic Niassa

“Are we seriously landing there?” The Cessna Caravan was heading towards a massive rocky dome, and what appeared to be a short dirt track in a dense sea of woodland. But, as we skimmed over a wide sandy riverbed, the track morphed into a landing strip. We bumped down and taxied to a halt. Paradise …

Elephant Ignite Expedition

Elephant Ignite embarked on a 16 000km, 100-day journey across 10 African countries to cast the spotlight on the elephant poaching crisis

Kruger Walking Magic

The three-night Mphongolo Backpack Trail in the Kruger National Park takes takes your soul to a deeper understanding of wilderness

Supernatural South Luangwa

“Turn left. Continue along the road, through a dry riverbed. When the road forks, keep to the left.” We were 371km from home, six hours into our journey, and at the bottom of page two of a three-page printout of detailed instructions describing how to get to South Luangwa National Park in Zambia. We weren’t …

Kicking back in Mauritius

The year is all but done, the mountain of admin has got the better of you, and strings of last-minute things to do are being pulled from your threadbare brain like a magician’s trick. It’s now, more than ever, that you need to be sitting on a beach, staring out over the turquoise water with …


The annual wildlife count in Zimbabwe’s Hwange National Park is a wonderful citizen-science project for all – Tony Park tells his story

The Magic of Zanzibar

Zanzibar is the ultimate fusion of beach and culture. Tagged onto the end of your wildlife safari, it’s the ideal spicy finale

Classic Namibia

This fantastic photo gallery showcases the fascinating tribal cultures, wildlife and breathtaking vistas of Namibia – pack your bags

The silent giants of Tsavo

Tsavo National Park in Kenya is the best place to see giant tuskers – the last remaining giant elephants still roaming our the world

Rwanda: into the heart of Africa

My self-drive safari to Rwanda in search of mountain gorillas, golden monkeys, Dian Fossey’s gravesite & much more – Jytte Fredholm Ferreira

Game census safari

Citizen science is when ordinary folk get to help science by, for example, participating in a game census in a private game reserve

Kruger Addicts

An Australian couple share why they are so crazy about Kruger National Park – after more than 25 extended stays in the park over the years

Exploring Etosha

Everything you need to know about Etosha National Park in Namibia – home of giant white elephants & crowded waterholes during the dry season

I Love Namibia

Exploring the wild places of Namibia makes for a different kind of honeymoon, and our road trip turned out to be the journey of a lifetime

iSimangaliso: park for the people

iSimangaliso is a World Heritage Site – a rich and diverse ecosystem that attracts nature lovers and provides sustainable livelihoods for many

Hermanus & the not so False Bay

Hermanus and False Bay – things to do, what, when and how. A complete guide to having fun on Cape Town’s coastline – from a local

Deeper into Durban

To the traveller and foodie Durban is an eclectic fusion of old and new, trendy and not-so-much. We reveal some of her secrets

Ethiopia’s church forests

In the highlands of Ethiopia, American scientist Meg Lowman is working with local forest ecologist Alemayehu Wassie to protect ancient church forests. As in many developing countries, much of Ethiopia’s original forests have been cleared for subsistence agriculture and for harvesting timber and firewood, diminishing northern Ethiopia’s forest cover from 45% of its territory in …

Samburu Sensations

We challenged our CEO Simon Espley to tick off a carefully compiled list of avian eye candy during his 3-day Samburu safari

African safari

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