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Photographer of the Year 2019 Weekly Selection: Week 17: Gallery 3

Our Photographer of the Year 2019 is now in full swing and there is only a month left to go before entries close! There are three galleries showcasing this week’s Weekly Selection. To see the other two galleries for this week’s selection, click here: Weekly Selection Gallery 1 and Weekly Selection Gallery 2. ALSO IN THIS WEEK’S ISSUE STORY The …

Photographer of the Year 2019 Weekly Selection: Week 17: Gallery 1

Our Photographer of the Year 2019 is now in full swing and there is only a month left to go before entries close! There are three galleries showcasing this week’s Weekly Selection. To see the other two galleries for this week’s selection, click here: Weekly Selection Gallery 2 and Weekly Selection Gallery 3. ALSO IN THIS WEEK’S ISSUE STORY The …

Photographer of the Year 2019 Weekly Selection: Week 17: Gallery 2

Our Photographer of the Year 2019 is now in full swing and there is only a month left to go before entries close! There are three galleries showcasing this week’s Weekly Selection. To see the other two galleries for this week’s selection click here: Weekly Selection Gallery 1 and Weekly Selection Gallery 3. ALSO IN THIS WEEK’S ISSUE STORY The Honey …

The Honey Badger

There is an expression in Afrikaans that goes “so taai soos ‘n ratel” – which translates to “as tough as a honey badger”. Across the continent honey badgers have earned the reputation of being tough, even lending their name to an armoured personnel carrier used by the South African Defence Force. This reputation is in part …

Photographer of the Year 2019 Weekly Selection: Week 16: Gallery 1

Our Photographer of the Year 2019 is now in full swing and there is only a month left to go before entries close! There are three galleries showcasing this week’s Weekly Selection. To see the other two galleries for this week’s selection click here: Weekly Selection Gallery 2 and Weekly Selection Gallery 3.     ALSO IN THIS WEEK’S ISSUE …

Photographer of the Year 2019 Weekly Selection: Week 16: Gallery 3

Our Photographer of the Year 2019 is now in full swing and there is only a month left to go before entries close! There are three galleries showcasing this week’s Weekly Selection. To see the other two galleries for this week’s selection, click here: Weekly Selection Gallery 1 and Weekly Selection Gallery 2. ALSO IN THIS WEEK’S ISSUE To see the …

Photographer of the Year 2019 Weekly Selection: Week 16: Gallery 2

Our Photographer of the Year 2019 is now in full swing and there is only a month left to go before entries close! There are three galleries showcasing this week’s Weekly Selection. To see the other two galleries for this week’s selection, click here: Weekly Selection Gallery 1 and Weekly Selection Gallery 3. ALSO IN THIS WEEK’S ISSUE To see …

Mount Toubkal: The roof of North Africa’s Atlas Mountains

The imposing Atlas Mountains of North Africa stretch thousands of kilometres creating an almost impenetrable barrier between the Atlantic and the mighty Sahara. Within this range lies Mount Toubkal that rises over all – and the reason for our visit.

Opinion: Dereck Joubert reacts to Botswana hunting and culling recommendation

Respected filmmaker and conservation spokesperson Dereck Joubert has reacted to the Botswana government committee proposal to resume trophy hunting, and commence with elephant culling. Plans also include erecting fences to prevent certain wildlife migrations, and improve on human-wildlife conflict mitigation methods.

Fate of meerkats tied to seasonal climate effects

Does a drier and hotter climate present a threat to the meerkats in the Kalahari Desert? Researchers reveal that climate change is likely to impact meerkats, and seasonal rainfall and temperature will be the key factors.

Praslin: The wicked seductress of the Seychelles

Granitic in nature, laid-back in character and absolutely enticing at its core, this is Praslin, the second largest island in the Seychelles – a place of unparalleled beauty waiting to be explored.

Detecting wildlife cybercrime

Being able to identify transactions involving restricted species, and conversations happening about them, will assist law enforcement in the fight against wildlife trafficking.

Parliament attacks Kruger agreement with neighbouring private reserves

The South African Parliament has strongly criticised South African National Parks for signing a formal agreement on 5th December to ratify a long-standing cooperation arrangement between Kruger National Park and several neighbouring private and community game reserves, which together form an area known as “Greater Kruger”.

Understanding yellow fever

Yellow fever is a disease spread by the bite of infected female mosquitoes. We take a look at this disease and the readily available vaccine

African safari

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Handcrafted experiential safaris since 1991.

Travel in Africa is about knowing when and where to go, and with whom. A few weeks too early/late or a few kilometres off course, and you could miss the greatest show on Earth. And wouldn’t that be a pity?

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