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Let’s boycott African tourism. Not

Some keyboard warriors regularly call for the boycott of an entire country’s tourism industry in reaction to the death of animals that could conceivably have been prevented.

Rhinos to Australia: is this conservation?

There are plans afoot to move rhinos from Africa to Australia as an ‘insurance policy’ and for ‘safekeeping’ in large grass paddocks amongst the gum trees. Is this a valid conservation project (as claimed) or a misdirection of energy and resources by a well-meaning Western society intent on privatising African conservation into their own backyard?

Why conservation is failing

There is a war going on in African conservation, and the other side is winning hands down – why is that? Op-ed by Simon Espley

Trophy hunting – a compromise?

Trophy hunting – the debates rage on. This analysis of the arguments put forward to justify trophy hunting makes for interesting reading

Saving a little elephant

An elephant calf is saved after he became trapped in a dam at Phalaborwa Copper, Limpopo – thanks to the heroic team of Elephants Alive

The Thing About Hunting

The thing about hunting is that the topic is so polarising that it prevents meaningful discourse between people who probably have more in common than they care to admit. And, while the protagonists battle it out, the grim reapers continue to harvest Africa’s wildlife and other natural resources. We humans tend to silo information to …

African safari

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