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“AFRICA” – now tell me that you don’t hear Sir David Attenborough’s voice when you read that word. Home to an abundance of incredible wildlife and considered the birthplace of humankind, this continent beckoned wildlife enthusiast Olli Teirilä in a way that he could never have expected. With a passion for adventure and wildlife, Olli …

The Brown Hyena

Steeped in myths and legends regarding magical powers, hermaphroditism and black magic, and more recently cast as villains by Disney, the hyena family undoubtedly suffers from a bad reputation. With their gentle, social interactions and strong kin bonds rarely witnessed, and their reputation amongst farmers as a livestock predator, the misunderstood and secretive brown hyena …

Celebrating Chimpanzees

A gallery of fantastic images of chimpanzees – in honour of our fellow great ape. Images submitted by our Photographer of the Year entrants.

Scorpions: facts you need to know

Scorpions are fascinating creatures that deserve our respect. They come in all shapes and sizes and this article explains how to differentiate

Introducing the Safari Guide of the Year 2019

And the winner is… After a tough week of scrutiny from mentors and intense but convivial competition amongst the five chosen finalists, the coveted title ‘Safari Guide of the Year 2019’ has been awarded. Find out about the winner here.

Life with elephants

Botswana elephant debate: We speak to the MOST important people in this equation – those living with elephants

Photographer of the Year 2019: Finalists

Our Photographer of the Year 2019 competition is now closed for entries and we are excited to announce the Finalists! Only one week to go before we announce our winners! THE FOLLOWING GALLERY OF FINALISTS IS IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER  

African safari

Why choose us to craft your safari?

Handcrafted experiential safaris since 1991.

Travel in Africa is about knowing when and where to go, and with whom. A few weeks too early/late or a few kilometres off course, and you could miss the greatest show on Earth. And wouldn’t that be a pity?

African travel

Trust & Safety

Client safari payments remain in a third-party TRUST ACCOUNT until they return from safari - protecting them in the unlikely event of a financial setback on our part.

See what travellers say about us

Responsible safari

Make a difference

We donate a portion of the revenue from every safari sold to carefully selected conservation projects that make a significant difference at ground level.

YOUR safari choice does make a difference - thank you!

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