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Stories & galleries

Human-wildlife conflict, Natural history

Why people kill lions

In light of the events in Tanzania on the first of January, Jeremy examines the age old conflict between humans and lions in East Africa.


Forest saved as community says no to oil

The Arabuko Sokoke Forest is saved from oil mining as communities take a stand to save this critically threatened habitat.


New shrimp species discovered in False Bay

A tiny shrimp with banded, stalked eyes, and gaudy red ‘warning’ colouring, is the latest of several new marine species to be found by UCT researchers in the extensively sampled waters of False Bay.


Dogs save African greys in Congo

Meet Rick and Shon, the dogs who helped rescue two African grey parrots, a crocodile and turtles on a canine mission in the Congo.

Destinations, Photo Galleries, Rwanda

Rwanda photo gallery

Photographic encounters in Rwanda – the very heart of Africa. This epic gallery by Karim Sahai will have you packing your safari bags


Monkey business

A tiny black face peers through the open gate, not daring to go out. A few minutes later, another furry body runs past – he is the first vervet monkey to step into a land of unknown mysteries, his new home. Soundlessly, other troop members follow – the juveniles first, the females and their babies …

People, Photo Galleries

The Tribe

A photographic tribute to Kenya’s Samburu people which will have you contacting Africa Geographic to arrange your next safari

Destinations, Kenya, Samburu, Travel & Lifestyle, Travel diaries

Samburu Sensations

We challenged our CEO Simon Espley to tick off a carefully compiled list of avian eye candy during his 3-day Samburu safari

People, Photo Galleries

Gallery – The Meaning in the Masks

WEIRD AND WONDERFUL CHARACTERS IN ONE OF AFRICA’S GREAT MASQUERADES Images by Andrew Brukman 7 November, 2014 In the gule wamkulu, or great dance, hundreds of different characters guide society in the moral code of the Chewa people. Some are in the shape of animals, some are roughly humanoid, and some are completely outlandish. Here …


Gule Wamkulu – when the ancestors dance

In various parts of Malawi, Zambia and Mozambique, the spirits of the ancestors take on corporeal form and dance for their living descendants. Not just to entertain but also to inform, chastise and guide. The forms they take are varied and spectacular, and the occasion of their portrayal is called the gule wamkulu – the …

News, Travel & Lifestyle

Ebola: Is safari travel safe during outbreaks?

Here’s why you shouldn’t cancel your African safari because of Ebola.


The bloodhounds of Virunga in DR Congo

In the DRC’s Virunga National Park conservationists have taken a different approach in the fight against poaching – they got themselves some good old-fashioned bloodhounds.

African safari

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