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Diving with potato bass

While scuba diving on reefs on the east coast of South Africa and Mozambique your are almost guaranteed a close encounter with a potato bass, one of the largest predatory fish on the reef.

Trophy hunting – a compromise?

Trophy hunting – the debates rage on. This analysis of the arguments put forward to justify trophy hunting makes for interesting reading

Build your own owl box!

Attracting owls to your garden is a wonderful way to marvel at these incredibly hunters of the dark. Learn how to build an owl box

Rhino rangers

The heroes who are working on the ground to save the rhino.

Messages of Hope

Messages of Hope is an inspiring book celebrating the most driven, most successful conservationists on Planet Earth.These are nature’s heroes.

Africa’s Big Tuskers

Africa’s tuskers deserve special mention – these huge elephants are facing the combined pressures of poaching and trophy hunting

Who are the Black Mambas?

The black mambas are about girl power! Find out more about the all-female anti-poaching unit that is making waves in conservation

Saving a little elephant

An elephant calf is saved after he became trapped in a dam at Phalaborwa Copper, Limpopo – thanks to the heroic team of Elephants Alive

Elusive animals caught on camera trap

WWF releases camera trap images by Will Burrard-Lucas of some of Namibia’s elusive animals – some of which have never been photographed in high definition before.

Peter Beard and The End of the Game

A meeting with Peter Beard, author of the End of the Game – a provocative tale of the harsh reality of starvation, poaching and hunting in Kenya.

The horror of snares

Unravelling the danger of snares – the indiscriminate killer of the bushveld and a serious threat to Africa’s free-roaming wildlife

Kruger Addicts

An Australian couple share why they are so crazy about Kruger National Park – after more than 25 extended stays in the park over the years

Exploring Etosha

Everything you need to know about Etosha National Park in Namibia – home of giant white elephants & crowded waterholes during the dry season

African safari

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Handcrafted experiential safaris since 1991.

Travel in Africa is about knowing when and where to go, and with whom. A few weeks too early/late or a few kilometres off course, and you could miss the greatest show on Earth. And wouldn’t that be a pity?

African travel

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