Trophy hunting quotas for South Africa in 2020: leopards, elephants and lion bone exports – announcements by Minister Barbara Creecy
Tag Archives: Elephant hunting
Botswana elephant hunting: Chaos and disillusionment as citizen licenses are raffled
Botswana elephant hunting: Eight elephant hunting licenses were awarded to Maun-based Botswana citizens, and the eight winners and almost 6,000 losers were unhappy with the results when the reality of the T&Cs set in.
Botswana trophy hunting: Fewer than 400 elephant hunting licenses to be granted annually, says government
Fewer than 400 elephant hunting licenses will be granted annually, the Botswana government has announced, following the reinstatement of hunting.
Hunting ban in Botswana should be lifted says government committee, and elephants culled
Hunting ban should be lifted and elephants culled, says Botswana’s government committee. Other recommendations include growth of the hunting industry, some animal migration routes closed and human-wildlife conflict strategies implemented.
Botswana MP proposes lifting elephant hunting ban
Botswana’s parliament has adopted a motion requesting the government to consider lifting the ban on the hunting of elephants in areas that are not designated as game reserves and national parks.
Another collared elephant shot outside Zim national park
Hunters in Zimbabwe have shot dead a bull elephant collared by scientists for research purposes, the second such killing in a month, a conservation group says.