Why do giraffes have such long necks? A new study questions whether feeding or mating played the bigger role in giraffe neck evolution
Species: Giraffe
How giraffes choose their besties
Do giraffes choose their social groups based on appearance? A recent study investigates if giraffes form bonds based on spot shape
Towering intellect? How scientists discovered that giraffe can use statistical reasoning
Giraffe are an endless source of fascination for scientists. A new study reveals that giraffes are capable of statistical inference
Giraffe return to Iona National Park – Angola
Giraffe have returned to Iona National Park, Angola, after a long absence, through efforts to restore biodiversity to the region
The giraffe is a wonder of evolution, and a vital part of Africa’s ecosystems. Read all there is to know about the planet’s tallest creature
Giraffe social structure as complex as elephants’
Giraffe social structure is as complex as elephants’ – consisting of intricate communication, stable kinship groups and supportive mothering
West African giraffe conservation success in Niger after daring translocation
A vital population of West African giraffe in Niger has been bolstered after the translocation of 4 giraffe from a security stricken region to Gadabedji Biosphere Reserve
Giraffe evolution – pieces of the puzzle
Under pressure – genetic research on giraffes reveals evolutionary secrets of how they cope with high blood pressure and maintain bone density.
Giraffe conservation status – latest numbers give hope!
Good news! All 4 giraffe species populations have been increasing after sustained conservation interventions
Four giraffe species, seven subspecies: new research
Giraffe – four species and seven subspecies the correct division – says new research
Giraffes – The Silent Extinction
It’s hard to comprehend that giraffe numbers have plummeted by almost 40% in just three decades. This rapid slide now places them amongst the most threatened species on the planet, with only approximately 98,445 (subsequently increased to 115,322) individuals remaining across this massive African continent! A population collapse of this nature could conceivably be driven …