POACHERS – who are they and what motivates them? TRAFFIC investigates the driving factors of poaching activities and suggests solutions
Tag Archives: traffic
What CITES will debate at CoP18 in May for these African species
CITES debates: White rhino, elephant, giraffe and other African species come under the spotlight at the May CoP18 sessions.
Japan’s ivory market must close down, according to study
With China announcing that it would shut down all ivory trade by the end of this year, concerns have been raised that Japan’s failure to prevent illegal ivory exports will undermine China’s prospective ban and the efforts to end the global trafficking of elephant tusks.
Pangolin trafficking: Research reveals new routes
A recent study has revealed that pangolin smugglers are constantly opening up new global trade routes every year to avoid law enforcement agencies.
Rhino horn: Recipes for disaster
In the middle of the sixth mass extinction, when 50% of the living species are at risk of extinction due to the ever growing, destructive human hands, the six rhinoceros species are at the tip of the pyramid, among the most endangered species on Earth.
The legal racketeering of ivory
Are discussions costing more than actions when it comes to saving the elephant from extinction?