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Team Africa Geographic

Thursday, 12 May 2022

old camera

Here are the Top 101 entries in our 2022 Photographer of the Year! We will announce the overall winner and two runners-up in the beginning of June. They will share US$10 000 in prize money and join their partners and our CEO Simon Espley and his wife Lizz on the ultimate private safari in Botswana.

This is Gallery 3 of the Top 101. To see the other Photographer of the Year Top 101 galleries, click below:

Gallery 1
Gallery 2
Gallery 4

Photographer of the Year is Proudly brought to you by Hemmersbach Rhino Force and Natural Selection.

Photographer of the Year
A young man from the Kara Tribe in Omo Valley holds a prized goat, enveloped in a cloud of dust. Ethiopia. © Alex Stoll
Photographer of the Year
Red bishop showing off. Harare, Zimbabwe. © Barry Launder
Photographer of the Year
Sandy anemones (Aulactinia reynaudi), found in shallow coastal waters around southern Africa, are dependant on tidal and wave action to bring oxygen and nutrients. When there is not enough ‘fresh’ water, the anemones close up. But when their pools are full of water, a bright festival of colour ensues. False Bay, South Africa. © Geo Cloete
Photographer of the Year
Living still life. A Natal forest treefrog (Leptopelis natalensis) sits for its portrait. Kenneth Steinbank Nature Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. © Hendrik Louw
Photographer of the Year
The rains come too late for this Springbokvlakte quiver tree, which succumbed to the previous year’s drought. |Ai-|Ais/Richtersveld Transfrontier Park, South Africa. © Hesté de Beer
Photographer of the Year
Risking life and limb on a straggling buffalo. Chitake Springs, Mana Pools National Park, Zimbabwe. © Jens Cullmann
Africa Geographic Travel
Photographer of the Year
A black-backed jackal takes a dove by surprise at Polentswa waterhole. Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, South Africa. © Michiel Duvenhage
Photographer of the Year
A matriarch of the Arbore tribe in southern Ethiopia’s Omo Valley poses in front of her home near Lake Chew Bahir. © Alex Stoll
Photographer of the Year
‘Shred the patriarchy’. 23-year-old Hilam’s portrait on a rooftop in Casablanca forms part of a series of the same name, focusing on the empowerment of Moroccan women in marginalised communities through subcultural expressions of identity. Morocco. © Chantal Pinzi
Photographer of the Year
Static trapeze. A young mountain gorilla hones its climbing skills. Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, Uganda. © Daniel Walther
Photographer of the Year
After standing statue-like for the longest of moments, a shoebill makes the attack and captures a marbled lungfish. A satisfying moment for the photographer: “When the shoebill catches a fish in front of you, you will never forget that action.” Mabamba Swamp, Uganda. © Guenther Kieberger
Photographer of the Year
Mating of the damselflies. Parys, Free State, South Africa. © Haig Fourie
Photographer of the Year
Sunrise silhouette of a mating pair of lions in the Maasai Mara National Reserve. Kenya. © Jenny Zhao
Africa Geographic Travel
Photographer of the Year
Mega-gardener of the forest. The straighter, downward-pointing tusks of the smaller forest elephant distinguish it from the savannah elephant. These elephants play a crucial role in dispersing many tree species in their last strongholds in West and Central Africa. Loango National Park, Gabon. © Lynn Gindorff
Photographer of the Year
A lioness keeps a watchful eye on her onlookers through the carcass of a kill. Thornybush Game Reserve, South Africa. © Michael Tucker
Photographer of the Year
A leopard gains leverage from an angled tusk while feeding on an elephant carcass. Botswana. © Raquel Barao
Photographer of the Year
Dangerous catch. A crocodile drags its baboon prey to the water. Chobe National Park, Botswana. © Tania Cholwich
Photographer of the Year
An ostrich, rudely interrupted during her dust bath, leaps into retreat after being startled by a predator. Namibia. © Vicki Santello
Photographer of the Year
A chimpanzee rests in the darkness of the tropical forest. Kibale National Park, Uganda. © Andrei Daniel Mihalca
Africa Geographic Travel
Photographer of the Year
Floating water. A sunbird demonstrates a preference for water from a leaking pipe, mere metres from the Saloum River. Sokone, Senegal. © Cecile Terrasse
Photographer of the Year
Craig, a 50-year-old super tusker of Amboseli, strikes a pose. Amboseli National Park, Kenya. © David Dhaen
Photographer of the Year
An impressive leopard surveys his forest kingdom. Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania. © Hannah Strand
Photographer of the Year
Follow the leader. A single wildebeest leads a large group out of the Mara River after a successful crossing. Serengeti National Park, Tanzania. © Janice Katz
Photographer of the Year
A Cape fox kit gives in to anticipation, rushing out to meet its mom returning with a mouse gift. Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, South Africa. © Michiel Duvenhage
Photographer of the Year
A scuffle at Matabole Hide. Mashatu Game Reserve, Botswana. © Rodger Bowren

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