Acclaimed South African documentary film, ‘STROOP – Journey into the Rhino Horn War’, has continued to attract the attention of international and local judges and audiences alike, winning two more prestigious awards.
Tag Archives: bonné de bod
Breaking: STROOP beats media giants to take top film prize
The groundbreaking South African film, STROOP – Journey into the Rhino Horn War, has taken one of the world’s top wildlife prizes, ‘Best of Festival’, at the International Wildlife Film Festival in the United States.
Updated rhino poaching stats – what is not being disclosed – comment from award-winning filmmakers
Award-winning filmmakers Susan Scott and Bonné de Bod comment on the latest rhino poaching statistics released by the Department of Environmental Affairs.
Award-winning STROOP now available via download
Acclaimed South African documentary ‘STROOP’ continues award sweep… and releases on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play and Vimeo.
Here’s how YOU can make a difference for RHINOS
Our CEO has a message for those of you who want to make a difference for rhinos. Start by watching STROOP, then take action.
SA rhino film wins top awards at US film festivals
The South African feature documentary STROOP – Journey into the Rhino Horn War has won the coveted Best Documentary award at the prestigious San Diego International Film Festival held this past weekend.
STROOP – your chance to make a difference for rhinos
STROOP: Our CEO implores YOU to help ensure a controversial new documentary about rhinos is completed without censorship