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Team Africa Geographic

Thursday, 6 June 2024

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Our Photographer of the Year 2024 is underway. Each of the three winners (the overall winner plus two runners-up) will become a personal sponsor of a wild Hwange lion research collar. Winners and their partners will also join our CEO Simon Espley on a conservation safari in Botswana. Read more about the Photographer of the Year 2024 prizes here.

Photographer of the Year is now closed for entries. Judging will take place throughout the month of June 2024, and the winners will be announced in early July 2024.

Photographer of the Year is sponsored by Imvelo Safari Lodges. In association with Southern African Conservation Trust (SACT) and WILDCRU.

Here is Gallery 1 of the best Photographer of the Year submissions for this week. To see the other gallery, follow the link: Gallery 2

Photographer of the Year 2024
“As I was getting my equipment ready for our morning game drive, this bee was gathering pollen from a ‘morning glory’ vine – an invasive, but beautiful species of wildflower.” Lower Zambezi National Park, Zambia. © Janice Katz
Photographer of the Year 2024
Fishermen mend nets on the edge of the harbour at Elmina fishing port, on the south coast of Ghana. © Inger Vandyke
Three young cheetahs head to the shade of a tree after a successful steenbok hunt. Northern Tuli Game Reserve, Botswana. © Andrew Macdonald
Africa Geographic Travel
Photographer of the Year 2024
A parade of elephants crosses the dry lake bed of Amboseli, the tiniest member of the herd safely tucked in between its towering protectors. Amboseli National Park, Kenya. © Alexia Chevron
Photographer of the Year 2024
Maasai men perform the Adumu jumping dance. Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya. © Zhang Rucui
Photographer of the Year 2024
While her three cubs rest nearby, hidden by bushes, the cheetah known as Kweli is on the lookout. Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya. © Charlotte Rhodes
African safari
A hippo, peace disturbed by the wildebeest crossing the river, lashes out at the stragglers and shoos them on their way. Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya. © Thomas Vijayan
Africa Geographic Travel
African safari
Survival of the fittest. After entering and hoping to take over a new territory, this leopard killed the cub of the dominant male – ensuring that its mother will go into estrous. This allows the new male to sire new cubs and ensure the survival of his own bloodline. Sabi Sands Game Reserve, South Africa. © Janice Katz
African safari
A common brown water snake is surprised by a school of Clanwilliam redfin fish, which are gathered to feed on food particles washed down by a waterfall. Cederberg Wilderness Area, South Africa. © Geo Cloete
African safari
Two large male hippos battle it out for prime territory along the Zambezi River. Mana Pools National Park, Zimbabwe. © Christopher Scott
African safari
Synchronised flight: crowned cranes fly over Ngorongoro Crater. Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania. © Burkhard Ley
Photographer of the Year 2024
Vapour and dust. A leopard crosses the dry riverbed, its breath and unsettled dust highlighted by the headlights of a nearby game-drive vehicle. Sabi Sands Game Reserve, South Africa. © Greg du Toit
African safari
A magnificent rhino, with tear-stained cheeks, crosses the grasslands. Kenya. © Amish Chhagan
African safari
“Photographing lemurs can be very tricky and I had to get a few mosquito bites in order to capture this brown lemur looking up at Nosy Tanikely’s forest canopy.” Nosy Be Marine Park, Madagascar. © Andrew Macdonald
Africa Geographic Travel
African safari
The leader of a five-cheetah coalition launches an attack on a wildebeest calf. Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya. © Thomas Vijayan
African safari
Sand dunes or flower petals? An aerial view of Dune #4 reveals its intricate patterns. Dorob National Park, Namibia. © Christopher Scott
African safari
Chimpanzees on a walkway through Kibale Forest “They watched me as I watched them, they communicated with each other as I communicated with the guide, and they walked through the forest as I walked through the forest – with slightly more grace than me.” Kibale National Park, Uganda. © Zenya Lepper

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