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Madikwe Game Reserve


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Madikwe Game Reserve is a Big 5 malaria-free reserve owned by local communities who decided to stop farming in 1991 to conserve their land better and focus on safari tourism. Madikwe is famous for excellent sightings of the Big 5 plus wild dogs (painted wolves), cheetahs and brown hyenas.

Day-trippers and self-drive tourists are not permitted in Madikwe - which means low vehicle volumes and more privacy for guests.

Madikwe lies just south of South Africa’s border with Botswana, only 40km from Gaborone, and extends across 750km2 (75,000 hectares), including recently incorporated private land, making it the fifth-largest game reserve in South Africa.

The reserve occupies a transition zone between Kalahari thornveld and savanna bushveld and is topographically varied and fascinating. The region’s woodlands and plains are broken by volcanic inselbergs, while the Groot Marico River (also known as the Madikwe River) adds riverine habitat along the eastern portion of the reserve, and the Dwarsberg Mountains dominate the southern skyline

READ MORE about Madikwe Game Reserve

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