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Africa Geographic Editorial

Friday, 17 May 2019

Our Photographer of the Year 2019 competition is ow closed for entries and we are excited to announce the Semi-finalists! Only two weeks to go before we announce our winners!
There are two galleries showcasing the Semi-finalists. To see the other gallery click here: Semi-finalists Gallery 2
The following gallery of Semi-finalists is in no particular order.

A black-backed jackal flies to catch breakfast in Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, South Africa © Michiel Duvenhage
A black-backed jackal flies to catch breakfast in Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, South Africa © Michiel Duvenhage
Portrait of a spotted hyena, Kruger National Park, South Africa © Ian Ground
Portrait of a spotted hyena, Kruger National Park, South Africa © Ian Ground
Sunset illuminates elephants as they roam the Okavango Delta, Botswana © Panos Laskarakis
Sunset illuminates elephants as they roam the Okavango Delta, Botswana © Panos Laskarakis
A portrait of a Wodaabe dancer caught by the light of the sun, Chad © Trevor Cole
A portrait of a Wodaabe dancer caught by the light of the sun, Chad © Trevor Cole
“Watching me, watching you” – Okavango Delta, Botswana © Clare Doolan
“Watching me, watching you” – Okavango Delta, Botswana © Clare Doolan
A hippo surfaces out of the water at speed in Chobe National Park, Botswana © Deena Sveinsson
A hippo surfaces out of the water at speed in Chobe National Park, Botswana © Deena Sveinsson
“A moment of thought” – Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda © Dalida Innes
“A moment of thought” – Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda © Dalida Innes
A rescued and released black-bellied pangolin in Cameroon © Angelia Young / Tikki Hywood Foundation
A rescued and released black-bellied pangolin in Cameroon © Angelia Young / Tikki Hywood Foundation
Juvenile Cape foxes suckle on their mother in Kalahari Gemsbok National Park, South Africa © Hesté de Beer
Juvenile Cape foxes suckle on their mother in Kalahari Gemsbok National Park, South Africa © Hesté de Beer
A jumping spider (Hyllus sp.) in a folded leaf in Greater Kruger National Park, South Africa © Eraine van Schalkwyk
A jumping spider (Hyllus sp.) in a folded leaf in Greater Kruger National Park, South Africa © Eraine van Schalkwyk
“The wolf amongst the sheep” – a painted wolf (African wild dog) with its pack in Sabi Sands Private Game Reserve, South Africa © Ross Couper
“The wolf amongst the sheep” – a painted wolf (African wild dog) with its pack in Sabi Sands Private Game Reserve, South Africa © Ross Couper
A goshawk takes off with a meerkat in Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, South Africa © Prof. Gert Lamprecht
A goshawk takes off with a meerkat in Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, South Africa © Prof. Gert Lamprecht
“Master of camouflage” – a puff adder in Kruger National Park, South Africa © Theo Busschau
“Master of camouflage” – a puff adder in Kruger National Park, South Africa © Theo Busschau
A gelada (also known as a bleeding-heart monkey) yawns in Simien Mountains National Park, Ethiopia © Patrice Quillard
A gelada (also known as a bleeding-heart monkey) yawns in Simien Mountains National Park, Ethiopia © Patrice Quillard
A muddy rhino in a reserve in South Africa © Kevin Dooley
A muddy rhino in a reserve in South Africa © Kevin Dooley
Lion cubs look up at their mother while at a wildebeest kill in Sabi Sands Private Game Reserve, South Africa © Daniel Koen
Lion cubs look up at their mother while at a wildebeest kill in Sabi Sands Private Game Reserve, South Africa © Daniel Koen
Fishermen at sunrise on the Chobe River, Chobe, Botswana © Johan Van Rensburg
Fishermen at sunrise on the Chobe River, Chobe, Botswana © Johan Van Rensburg
A lion drags an elephant calf under a tree to feed after it was killed by two lions the previous night, Mana Pools National Park, Zimbabwe © Jens Cullmann
A lion drags an elephant calf under a tree to feed after it was killed by two lions the previous night, Mana Pools National Park, Zimbabwe © Jens Cullmann
Scaly-feathered finch chicks in southern Namib Desert, Namibia © Sanet Rossouw
Scaly-feathered finch chicks in the southern Namib Desert, Namibia © Sanet Rossouw
An eyed-flower mantis mimics flower petals to give it advantage over potential predators in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa © Tanya Nadauld
An eyed-flower mantis mimics flower petals to give it advantage over potential predators in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa © Tanya Nadauld
“This male leopard retrieved his warthog kill from a spotted hyena. Here he is running with the kill away from the hyena towards a tree.” – Kruger National Park, South Africa © Ernest Porter
“This male leopard retrieved his warthog kill from a spotted hyena. Here he is running with the kill away from the hyena towards a tree.” – Kruger National Park, South Africa © Ernest Porter
An Atlantic Portuguese man-o’-war, False Bay, South Africa © Geo Cloete
An Atlantic Portuguese man-o’-war, False Bay, South Africa © Geo Cloete
Salt caravans begin their westward journey after sunset in the Afar Depression, Ethiopia © Hesté de Beer
Salt caravans begin their westward journey after sunset in the Afar Depression, Ethiopia © Hesté de Beer


To see the other gallery click here: Semi-finalists Gallery 2

Photographer of the Year 2019 Semi-finalists Gallery 2

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