In Defense of (Some) Tourism

After a year that brought us record high temperatures, a pandemic facilitated by international travel and the lowest tourism numbers in three decades, it is difficult to imagine that the tourism industry can, or indeed should, simply return to business-as-usual. Despite the ever-increasing threat of climate change, however, I would argue that tourism is an asset we cannot afford to lose, often a powerful conservation tool in its own right, and that Africa is ahead of the game.
Travel, Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss
The looming threat of anthropogenic climate change is one that is and will continue to force us to re-think many of our habits and choices, especially in the affluent parts of the world where per capita carbon emissions are the highest. Tourism, by its very definition something we do for pleasure rather than because we have to, is undoubtedly deserving of close scrutiny in that regard, not least because of the environmental impact of air travel.
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