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Victoria Falls: Zambia vs Zimbabwe - which side is best?

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Which side of Victoria Falls is best - Zimbabwe or Zambia?

Victoria Falls – 'the smoke that thunders'. Interrupting the mighty Zambezi River, this colossal curtain of water stands as a testament to the raw power and beauty of the natural world. Yet, your experience witnessing the grandeur of this World Heritage Site can vary dramatically depending on which side of the border you find yourself on – Zambia or Zimbabwe. We discuss the merits of each side so that you can make the most of the safari choices listed below.

Zimbabwe: a majestic panorama

On the Zimbabwean side of the Zambezi River, you will find yourself greeted by a panorama that showcases the falls in all their splendour. Elevated viewpoints offer sweeping vistas that encompass the entirety of this natural wonder – with breathtaking views across most of the front face of the Falls. From the iconic Victoria Falls Bridge to the sprawling Victoria Falls National Park, visitors are treated to a spectacle that unfolds before them like a masterpiece painting, each brushstroke of water, rock and spray meticulously crafted by the hand of nature.

The Zimbabwean experience of Victoria Falls is characterised by grandeur and scale as visitors stand in awe of the sheer magnitude of the cascading waters. The Devil’s Cataract and Main Falls, in particular, command attention with their sheer vertical drop and thunderous roar, leaving an indelible impression on all. Moreover, the well-developed infrastructure on the Zimbabwean side ensures a comfortable and convenient visit, with guided tours illuminating the Falls' rich history and significance.

Zambia: closer to the action

Venture to the Zambian side of Victoria Falls, and you will find yourself immersed in the details of the Falls - closer to the action.

The Zambian vantage points offer closer proximity to the Falls, allowing visitors to appreciate the intricate details of its cascading waters and the rugged contours of the surrounding cliffs. From the aptly named Knife-edge Bridge, where you may be drenched in spray (so close are you to the Eastern Cataract), to the exhilarating Devil's Pool, where you get to hang over the edge of the precipice, each vantage point offers something different. Zambia is also the starting point for the only footpath to the Boiling Pot, a churning cauldron of white water set immediately below the falls at the head of the Batoka Gorge. Moreover, the relatively untouched nature of the Zambian side lends an air of authenticity to the experience, providing a sanctuary for wildlife amidst the tumultuous waters.

Conclusion: is there a 'best' side?

Whether you choose the grand panorama of the Zimbabwean side or the up-close experience of the Zambian side, one thing remains abundantly clear – the sheer majesty of this awe-inspiring place will take your breath away.

Why not visit both sides? Walking across the historic bridge separating the two countries is an experience in itself.

FIND OUT more about Victoria Falls.

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