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Saving the Northern White Rhino: Third Embryo Successfully Created

International scientists and Kenyan conservation authorities have successfully created the third viable embryo of the near-extinct northern white rhino. The global initiative has taken yet another step in the long journey to pull this subspecies back from the brink.

Fishing spiders: Small but deadly predators

A trip to Africa can sometimes provide unique sightings other than elephants, lions and antelopes. And extraordinary sightings such as a fishing spider feeding on a freshly captured Argus reed frog is one such example.

Land issues: The story of beauty and violence

Land, an emotive subject, a limited resource that builds nations or breaks them. Use it well and you thrive, use it unwisely and you will sink to the bottomless pit of chaos and poverty.

Peter Beard and The End of the Game

A meeting with Peter Beard, author of the End of the Game – a provocative tale of the harsh reality of starvation, poaching and hunting in Kenya.

Elephants held hostage in Laikipia

Young bull elephants held hostage in Laikipia after destroying crops. It is estimated that local communities lose over a US$1 million in revenue from raiding elephant in Kenya each year.

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